Special prizes
Comment for the Yuichi Ito Prize
I couldn’t help but give a delighted cry for this stunningly vivid “viewpoint!” “A lotus flower is the seat reserved for Buddha. Looking up high from the lotus flower, there is a glowing blue earth in green space... “ My mind could easily create such a story.
Among the entries using a fisheye lens, this photo has outstanding originality. But at the same time, the guardrails and the person reflected in the water beneath the sky make a connection to our daily lives and ease our feelings. It was such a wonderful photo, reminding that different viewpoints can make the earth appear new to us. -
Comment for the Mitsunori Kataama Prize
From my first sight of it, I was drawn to the powerful colors of this photo. On the other hand, I wondered if these colors inspired thoughts of the theme of “earth.” But looking more carefully, I found that it’s a photo of a thousand cranes, the accumulation of prayers. People’s “thoughts” form a sphere. Then I understood, this is of course the earth. Although both the colors and motif seem different from the theme at first glance, the photo conveys that theme in the combination of the two. I appreciate such compositional ability.
Comment for the Kimiko Nishimoto Prize
There is such a variety of plants and creatures on earth.
Receiving the earth’s grace, all living things live in mutual interconnectedness.
Landscapes like the sunset aren’t created by earth, but by space. The photo I selected gently expresses that connection between parent and child living in connection with plants. -
Comment for the OneEARTH Project Committee Chairman Prize
It’s love at first sight. It’s just so beautiful. Looking at the sky reflected on the water’s surface, surrounded by gentle curves, it feels like I’m gazing at the real earth.
Also, the small figures that appear remind me that this is reality. People, the earth, and everything on it are connected. I felt the “one earth.”
I want to keep looking at it. That’s how I feel about this image. I was genuinely drawn into this picture.
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will be handled only for the purpose of awarding and sending prizes.

EARTH Hiroshima is a peace brand that began in Hiroshima for the world. We started in 2016, and manufacturing companies in Hiroshima and creators collaborate to make and deliver goods to the world with a wish for peace.
Different faces on each rice ball. Human faces, with a variety of expressions, and animal faces like cats and squirrels.. We each inhabit a different world, but receive nature’s harvest from the one, same earth.
The photo expresses daily joys, like good food and fun, and shows the heartwarming bonds between people, as we wonder “Which will they eat?” Or “Which one should I eat?”
I felt that the image brings a smile and gentle feelings to its viewers.